Well, I made it! I am now a #iheartOmron Fitness Ambassador. What a huge responsibility, but I am so happy about it. I really needed something like this on my life. I have been trying to lose weight like for forever, so this is my chance of doing it and getting tools to do it the right way. I have been yo-yo dieting for long time. I grew up overweight and I have lost the pounds and gained them back and more over and over, and over... The main reason for my weight gain is that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am sad, I eat when I am stressed out. The other reason is that I really never liked to exercise. However just recently I have decided that I needed a change. I was really close to a weight that was the weight limit for me. You know that number you say I will never let myself to weight that much. Well I almost got there. So I decided that day that I was going to start walking and changing my diet. Here it is another chance to accomplish what I have tried for years. With this challenge I have the support of a great group: Mamavation and I have the tools that OmronFitness will be providing me and the other 24 bloggers chosen for this challenge. We are going to be provided with HJ-323U connected pedometer and the new 510W scale for help us keep track our activity and weight. Also and the end of the challenge they are going to give us the new Strapless Heart Rate Monitor (HR-500U) I want to invite your to follow my weight loss journey with this amazing tools and support system. I will be sharing my workouts and food plan, so maybe you want to join me and we can lose weight together. So far since my application date I have lost 5 pounds with walking 5 miles a day (and that was during the holidays). I cannot wait to see the results at the end of this challenge with all the accountability I am going to have. Congratulations to all the other ambassadors! Follow the #IheartOmron and #mamavation on twitter so you can see how we are doing! Also please follow our sponsor at @OmronFitness and @Mamavation This post is sponsored Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation – a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families. I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.
1/6/2013 10:53:09 am
Congrats! Que buenas noticias. Estaré siguiendo tu participación en el programa y espero puedas cumplir tus objetivos.
1/6/2013 02:23:28 pm
Excelente noticia y una muy buena manera de iniciar este 2013. Mis felicitaciones por ser una latina muy activa. Estaremos siguiendo tu experiencia paso a paso y apoyándote en esta gran experiencia.
1/6/2013 02:58:18 pm
Muchas felicidades por las ganas y la decisión de lograr tus metas!
1/6/2013 11:27:06 pm
CONGRATS!!!! this is awesome. Very happy for you, what a chance!!!
1/6/2013 11:53:03 pm
I love it! CONGRATULATIONS! Muchos éxitos! Yo perdí 20 kg con disciplina y voluntad! Si se puede!
1/7/2013 12:43:21 am
Te felicito! empezar creo que es lo mas dificil, pero aca vamos a estar para acompañarte!!!
1/7/2013 02:14:27 am
It's always better/easier when you have support along the way. Congrats on being chosen as an ambassador- I know you'll do a great job. BB2U
1/7/2013 09:43:41 am
Looking forward to hearing about your progress-Congrats on getting chosen
1/7/2013 10:22:57 am
Congratulations! I could definitely use some of your motivation to lose weight and finally shed the pounds that had been hunting me for years!
1/7/2013 10:26:39 am
Good luck in the challenge, I am excited by the possibilities!
1/8/2013 09:58:05 pm
Congratulations! What a great accomplisment!
1/9/2013 02:44:32 am
Congratulations! The Omron challenge looks awesome! Those are great tools to help you on your weight loss journey :-)
1/9/2013 09:36:31 am
Que chulo Mónica! Yo ando en las mismas con lo de rebajar! Estaremos apoyandote en todo! Go Monica!
1/11/2013 09:14:11 am
Muchisimas felicidades. Vamos a cumplir el reto. Suerte!
1/18/2013 04:09:05 am
How exciting! I wish you the best of luck on your health journey.
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