Drinking water is very important. I do not about you but even when is hot outside I still think I do not drink enough water. So I am starting a challenge and I am inviting you to do the challenge with me.
The challenge is drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. And to make it easier for you and I, I have created a tracking log. We can DO this. Let's drink more water, let's get healthier
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. Can you believe summer is almost over and kids are going back to school? Yeah, it is hard to go back to the routine and prepare healthy lunches again. But I am glad that there are products that make it so easy for busy parents like me. Well and preparing lunches is not my only worry about back to school time. I am a very concerned parent when it comes to my child education. I keep reading on the news all the budget cuts to schools and education and I think something needs to be done. But, I guess changing politics is almost impossible, so I help my school by being a member of the PTA and participating on different fundraisers. That extra money that the school is able to raise help with those extra supplies the classrooms need. Our school is pretty new so we also need help with our sport teams and even benches at the playground area. And from all our research, we have learned those things are expensive, so we need to raise a lot of money. As a parent and as a school PTA member, I keep looking for ways to get some extra cash for our school and I was really pleased to fin two very friendly to use programs and for sure will help us to get some extra money for the new school year. Tyson Project A+ program |
August 2024