Coming back from vacation and I think I need a vacation… LOL
Seriously, I got back from my awesome trip to Hawaii, and now I have so many things to do not only at home but at work. I am not even closed to be caught up with laundry and house chores, and now I have to do a week worth of work because my duties were not done while I was done. I have been working long hours and I even had to work this weekend (both days) My son starts school on Wednesday, and I hope that we go back to reality and kind of on schedule again. You can call me crazy but on top of all I have going on right now, I am also part of PTA, so more things to get done and volunteer time. I guess not really an excuse, but it does make it harder to get my exercise done. So this week I want to commit myself to walk at least 4 days. I am also going back to eating healthier. Too much junk on the last 2 weeks and that cannot happen again. I am also going back to the water intake. Yes, I had some Margaritas and drinks while on vacation and also a lot of diet soda so going back to my water is necessary. I want to wish luck to all the mamavation applicants and maybe I can try to work out your workouts… I am also very sad that the sistas were so close to me on fitcation12 and due to my work schedule I was not able to meet them. Hugs to all of you and thank you for being there for me.
Wow, what an awesome week I had with my son during our vacation in Hawaii Let me tell you that even though I did go to the pool to relax and get a little tan, most things we did required to be pretty active. If you have been at Maui, you probably know that some of the cool things to see are not at the border of the road. You have to climb, walk, swim and climb some more. My son was up to for everything so we had a wonderful time. We went to the blowhole, the 7 sacred pools and we even Zip lined. I can tell you we stayed very active and it was a wonderful experience. I feel ready to start again with my routine back home and me more active. This is a super short post, because I have to get up early to catch our plane. Thanks for reading.... “This post is sponsored by GoVida Foods and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway.” Time has gone so fast. This was my last weekend alone. Thursday my family comes back. I have the house so clean; let’s see how long it last.
I have been doing the #2weekchallenge and I am not sure if because of the weather, but it is kicking my butt. I feel it harder this time around and it is harder to get up early to complete it, but I will continue doing it. I have changed the way I have been eating. I finished the 3 days raw food diet. The allergy did not go away, but I felt great. My digestion was so much better and I was not really hungry. So I have been doing fish and veggies for the rest of the week. I have tried tilapia, salmon, tuna and trying out different recipes. I am going to introduce chicken this week as well. After my family returns I am going to try to take bike ride together to increase the activity. Can you suggest a good playlist for walking? I get really bored and if I call someone on the phone, I start walking really slow and it is not as effective. It is less than a month to leave for Hawaii… YAY! This was a great week for me. Got a lot of cleaning and I accomplished a lot of things. Do not get me wrong, I miss my family, but being able to clean and keep things clean feel great. I have been doing the elliptical every day and with all the sweating from the cleaning I have done my cardio part. I also did well with the eating. I eat fruits and salads with chicken and salmon. I had plenty of water and I only had diet soda one day. For this week I plan to continue with the cleaning. I have been donating a lot of stuff. I cannot believe we have so much junk. I am also taking a day off just to relax and have some me time. That is going to be my 4th of July celebration. All friends and family are away, so it would be just me. I am planning of having homemade facials, pedicure and color my hair. (I just do my own color to give it shine) I forgot to take a before picture, so you cannot see the difference, but at least I got an after picture from my son toys room. I can say I do not like Legos that much, so hard to clean and organize, thank God for storage containers. I will be doing a raw food clean diet for 3 days this week. I have been dealing with an allergy and so far despite all the test, the Drs do not have any idea of the cause. So I am going to see if changing my diet helps. It is only 3 days, so it should not affect nutrition wise, and I will have a variety of vegetables and fruits with all the vitamins. Wish me luck sticking to it for these 3 days. I am also really excited about the new 2weekchallenge starting tomorrow. It is really going to help me to get back on track! Have a nice and safe 4th of July I was hoping for a better week, health wise, however I have to
admit that I do not even want to post here, because I feel that we have been so sick, that you will get tired of this very soon, but since we are here to support each other, then I am going to say it. We did not get better, the opposite, I had the "summer flu" according to my doctor. But I am not going that to get me down. Yes, I was not able to start my walking routine. I was short of breath and really tired. I needed to rest and drink plenty of fluids. But of course being sick and not eating a lot caused me to drop 2 pounds. I am going to call them water pounds, but at least I did not get any weight. My son and hubby will be leaving soon for their summer trip to Ohio. It would be my me time, to rest, clean and take care of myself. I am expecting to be able to get into a routine without the distractions of having to do so many activities with my son. Then when they come back it is my time to travel with my son. And I am going to take him to Hawaii, so I do need to start walking. Not that I am going to be in a two piece, but I do not want to be how I am right now. I guess I have real motivation there. My goal is to get better, and I will commit to do the elliptical for as long as I can (not too long now, counting that I am short of breath due to my asthma). But I will do it every night. I am also going to try the food journal thing this week. I do not know how many times I have started one, and by the end of day 2 I have forgotten to write on it. But I am trying it again. I hope all of you have a great week and once again thanks for reading. |
August 2024