I have not been the most active person. Since my childhood I always disliked physical education class. I love things like zumba or step class because I find them fun, however I am not really the sporty type.
When I started my journey to get healthier, I started being more active, I have been walking and doing some other things such as exercise videos and monthly challenges as well as the #2weekchallenges with @mrbookieboo I feel that it is time to start running so I am putting in here so it is out for the universe to know My plan is
So tell me are you a runner? What advice do you have for me? What other things should I be using? Wish me luck and follow me on instagram. I am going to be updating my progress there.
So I need to try to figure out why I have start all over again. I need to re-think the process and see that I am achieving just small weight loss and even though that is better than nothing, it is not where I want to be at.
I think clean eating is so hard. We have so many not healthy options at work, there is birthdays and lunches and sweets. And there is stress, and I eat more when I am stressed out. It is a cycle, and I need to move forward and not to stay there anymore. Starting is not the hard part. The first couple of days, even weeks it is easy, but then life gets on the way and I either stop losing or gain a little bit more back. I need to figure out a way to get back on track and continue losing. I am going to be back to portion control and low glycemic index foods. I think I need to keep my intake journal. I cannot wait for another 2 week challenge. I feel more motivated when I have to report to someone. The good news, I have not have diet soda since January and that is huge for me. Now I need to concentrate on getting back on track. Tell me how do you stay on track? Any advice would be appreciated. Have a great week! It was nice to see a friend last Friday. Not only because I had not seen here on a while but because she noticed I had lost weight. She made it all real again, because I have not been feeling it lately.
So when I first started to lose weight, everybody noticed. Oh, it was easy, the pounds were dropping quick, really quick. Then, they stopped coming off, then I gained, then I started losing again but it is just some ounces a month maybe. For me, it was a disaster. I felt I was failing. I wanted to go on a "diet", a detox, something! And then I realized, it is a slow process, but it is a process. I am still losing, and I might not even notice it, my family might not see it, but it is happening. I should not get discouraged. I need to stay focused and positive. Yes, the reason "diets" fail is because of that. I need to remind myself it is not the number on the scale, and I need to be aware of those non-scale victories too. I need to re-evaluate the goals. I just remember why I named my blog My Life is a Journey. It is a Journey, not a destination. I am still losing it. It might take me longer to get to the ideal weight, but I am heading that way. I am now smiling, and continuing with my journey. Has this happened to you? How do you deal with it? Drinking water comes naturally to me during warmer months. I am hot, sweaty and I want to drink water all day long. However during the colder months, I have to push myself to drink water. My most challenging time is while I am at work.
So, I am challenging myself to drink more water. Last year I had done a challenge and I stopped when it got cold outside, so I am bringing my challenge back. I need to drink at least 8 8oz glasses of water per day. I had noticed that I am less tempted to drink other things when I was drinking my water, so I know I need to get back to it. I will try water with lemon, water infused with fruits and even water with cinnamon so I do not get bored. I had developed a water intake tracking log. (it was for September 2013). You can use it if you want to join me in the adventure of drinking water even when is cold outside. I also found a cool app for my iphone to track water. It is called Daily Water Free - Water reminder and counter. It is free and easy to use, so I will be using that as well. How do you make sure you drink enough water? I am still trying to get to an ideal weight. I have continued with walking and healthy eating, although sometimes I have some treats. So my goal for 2014 is to have a great journey with my family and getting to healthier eating habits and closer to my ideal weight.
I want it to be a journey because I want to enjoy it. I think sometimes I fell off the wagon, because things get boring. I need variety. So here it is. I will not have resolutions for 2014 but I am setting goals. 1. Increase my water intake 2. Reduce to a minimum my diet soda intake. I want to be realistic here. If I am out and they offer it to me I might still drink it. So I will allow myself the occasional sip. 3. Do any type of physical activity daily. Walk/run, elliptical, exercise video or daily challenge. 4. Have a My Life is a Journey monthly exercise challenge. January will be Burpees. 5. Participate in #2weekchallenges with the #mamavation community. 6. Complete some 5K with my son and complete at least one Mud Run with some friends. It only took me some years to finally apply… yeah; you can call me a procrastinator. But the important thing here is that I am doing it. The first thing I realized is that I do not like to make videos of myself and that I do not know how to make them. So please forgive my not very professional video, I will get better and I am already looking into getting a video editor program. At the end I guess I would be evaluated on content and not on how pretty (fingers crossed). The other thing is that I know I have an accent and that is a good reason why I had never done videos for my blog before. (I will have to get used to it, and you really have to pay attention to understand everything. I will see here who is not listening…hahaha) Ok, so below in the video you can see why I want to be a Mamavation mom. Mamavation is an online community that supports women on their weight loss journey. Not only you get support about shedding the pounds but also changes your habits so you and your family. And on top of that teach you about chemicals on the environment and the food. So you actually learn how to eat clean. I am applying to be a mamavation mom because I owe it to my family. I need to lose the weight and get healthy I want to be learn about all eating clean with no toxins I want to teach the Latino (Hispanic) community all about GMOs and healthy, clean eating If you want to show your support and help me get chosen, you can tweet the following:
#Mamavation & @Healthy_child are teaching moms 2 detoxify their home. I’m in support of @monicazyoung here http://bit.ly/16CMjgq I cannot believe we are in June. It has been six months since the beginning of the year. For me this means I am six months away to be able to meet my goal of my weight. I am more than half way there, so I am pretty sure (hopefully nothing changes) that I will be meeting my goals.
But how do I make sure I do not get distracted and fail? Here is it where all my sistas come in handly! I will continue posting here and staying active on the social media channels. I still need your support and help. Yes, I need those motivating voices to walk, despite the pain on my knee. Yes, I need the do not drink that soda reminder and I need the laughs and snarly comments that we share all the time. This is a reminder post of how much I do appreciate your comments here. How I appreciate your support and how sad I am I cannot be more involved due to work (but I know you understand I have bill to pay) This month I will be doing my first official 5k. I am injured so I will be walking, plus I am doing it with my 8 year old. So do not expect any records here, but I promise I will finish and I will take pictures (I am doing the color me rad 5K) Looking forward to reading your post this week and thanks for being always there when I need you. Hugs! I have to start today by telling you I went to a water park. Yes, I was not really happy with the idea of being on a swimming suit. I still have a lot of weight to lose before I get to the ideal weight. And I do not feel comfortable by the pool. But, something happened. I saw a group of friends I had not seen for a while and they pointed that I was looking great, that they could see the weight loss, etc. Oh yeah, people notices. That was really good for my self esteem. I still wore a cover up, but I felt happier with how things are going.
I really did not behave at eating. I went to a Colombian restaurant to celebrate an early birthday (during the week I will be at work), and I eat more than I should. But you know what? It was my treat for my birthday and I will behave this week with my eating plan. I got injured. I have been able to walk (limping) but I cannot jog/run. I need to find something that is good for cardio that does not have a heavy impact on my knee (I dislocated my patella). So if you have any ideas, please let me know. My goals for the week: more water, find a way to be active without pain on my knee and not falling into temptation for birthday treats. Wish me luck on the last one (wink) How was your week? Any victories? Thanks for reading! It is May and it is going to be an awesome month. It is a little challenging for me, because usually with all the celebrations for mother’s day I get a little nostalgic and home sick. And you probably already know I tend to eat when I am sad. So what is my plan? I am going to have lots of healthy snacks available. Baby carrots are going to be my best friend this month!
I have not seen the scale move in two weeks. It is a good thing and a bad thing. It is good that I have not gained weight. But it is bad that I have not lost weight. Yes, my clothes fit me loose, so I am assuming that I might have some water retention. I have to say I am really learning things. I was at a 5 de Mayo party and I had some tacos, but I only had the meat. No tortillas. It was not as hard as I thought. I guess I am learning to eat. It is the small changes that count. The air quality has not been the best. We had some wildfires, so walking outside has not been an option. I had been on the elliptical. I do not like it as much, but it helps me stay active. This week I am going to focus and drink more water and continue with my walks (or elliptical if the air is still bad) Mother’s day is coming up next week and I want to plan a menu. What type of healthy sweets do you think I should make? Well, first I have to brag with all of you… I got to hug and spend time with Leah twice this week. Not only once but twice, that is just so awesome. (We went to The Talk and then she attended the Latino Lifestyle Blogger Conference)
This week was much better. I am still trying to catch up from cleaning, work and family stuff, but I am getting there and I am finding the time to work-out and I am also finding it easier to eat the way I was eating before. I have yet to stop drink diet soda. I have days I do not drink any and if I do drink I do not even finish the can or bottle. So I am going to count that as a victory. I did not see changes on the scale. But the clothes fit me loose. That is why we have to remind ourselves over and over again that that number does not define us and that little goals are better. What do I have to work on for this week? Keep being active; continue eating healthy and I want to find a good printable for family menu planning. (So if you have one please let me know). It is time to get the family meals organized as well. |